Für kleine und mittelgroße Hunde mit Modebewusstsein
Die Max & Molly Air Vest ist der perfekte Style- und Komfort-Boost für kleine bis mittelgroße Hunde, die gerne in Bewegung sind. Das Hunde Geschirr besteht im Grunde aus zwei Schlaufen, die wie eine „Hose“ über die Vorderbeine des Hundes gezogen und über den Schultern verbunden werden. Der größte Vorteil ist, dass es nicht über den Kopf gezogen wird, was es perfekt für kopfscheue Hunde macht. Sogar Welpen und junge Hunde kommen mit der Air Vest voll auf ihre Kosten. Sie gibt ihnen die Bewegungsfreiheit, die sie brauchen, während sie gleichzeitig eine schützende Schicht bietet. Die Air Vest ist perfekt für aktive, empfindliche oder einfach stylische Hunde, die viel Bewegung brauchen und dabei cool und komfortabel unterwegs sein wollen! Air Vest Geschirr entdeckenFür energiegeladenen Hunde, die Herausforderungen suchen
Das Max & Molly Sportgeschirr ist das Premium-Geschirr für aktive Hunde, die bereit sind, jede Herausforderung anzunehmen. Mit extra großer Polsterung an Brust und Rücken sorgt das Hunde Geschirr für eine optimale Druckverteilung und passt sich perfekt an die Anatomie deines Hundes an. Der gepolsterte Griff auf dem Rücken gibt dir mehr Kontrolle, besonders wenn dein Hund mal wieder auf eigene Abenteuer aus ist. Der zusätzliche Ring an der Brust hilft, das Ziehen zu kontrollieren, und die stufenlose Verstellbarkeit an Hals, Brust und Bauch sorgt für die perfekte Passform. Ideal für sportliche Hunde, die keine Herausforderung scheuen und immer bereit für das nächste Abenteuer sind Sportgeschirr entdeckenFür Hunde, die Komfort lieben und Sicherheit brauchen
Ein H-Geschirr, auch als Führgeschirr bekannt, ist der perfekte Fit für Hunde, die Komfort und Sicherheit beim täglichen Spaziergang brauchen. Das Hunde Geschirr besteht aus einem Rückensteg mit zwei Schlaufen – eine um den Hals und eine um den Brustkorb – sowie einem Gurt, der die Schlaufen zwischen den Vorderbeinen verbindet. So verteilt das Geschirr den Druck gleichmäßig über Brust und Schultern – also perfekt für alle, die gerne mal an der Leine ziehen, ohne den Hals zu belasten. Für Welpen, die gerade das Laufen an der Leine lernen, ist es ein Must- have, weil sie mehr Bewegungsfreiheit haben, aber du die Kontrolle behältst. Auch für Hunde mit Atemproblemen oder empfindlichem Hals, wie Möpse oder Bulldoggen, ist das H-Geschirr die bessere Wahl. Egal, ob dein Hund aktiv, jung oder besonders sensibel ist – ein H- Geschirr sorgt für den perfekten Mix aus Style, Komfort und Sicherheit. H-Geschirr entdeckenDer beliebte Allrounder für den stilbewussten Alltagshelden
Das Q-Fit Geschirr von Max & Molly ist das ultimative Step-In-Geschirr für stylische Hunde – egal, ob beim Spaziergang, Training oder beim Sport im Freien. Es besteht im Grunde aus zwei Schlaufen, die wie eine „Hose“ über die Vorderbeine des Hundes gezogen und über den Schultern verbunden werden. Der größte Vorteil ist, dass es nicht über den Kopf gezogen wird, was es perfekt für kopfscheue Hunde macht. Dieses Geschirr ist perfekt für Hunde, die modisch und sicher durch den Alltag laufen wollen, ohne Kompromisse beim Komfort einzugehen. Es ist in unseren acht Matrix 2.0 Trendfarben erhältlich. Q-Fit Geschirr entdeckenThanks for subscribing!
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General Terms and Conditions with customer information
1. scope of application
2. offers and service descriptions
3. ordering process and conclusion of contract
4. prices and shipping costs
5. delivery, availability of goods
6. terms of payment
7. reservation of title
8. warranty for material defects and guarantee
9. liability
10. storage of the contract text
11. data protection
12. place of jurisdiction, applicable law, contract language
1 Scope of application
1.1 The business relationship between Max & Molly Urban Pets GmbH, owner: Michael Reiser, Lise-Meitner Str. 1, 24941 Flensburg (hereinafter "Seller") and the customer (hereinafter "Customer") shall be governed exclusively by the following General Terms and Conditions in the version valid at the time of the order.
1.2 You can reach our customer service for questions, complaints and complaints on weekdays from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on the telephone number 0461-40834403 and by e-mail at sales@max-molly.com
1.3 A consumer within the meaning of these GTC is any natural person who concludes a legal transaction for a purpose that can predominantly be attributed neither to their commercial nor their independent professional activity (§ 13 BGB).
1.4 Deviating terms and conditions of the customer are not recognized unless the seller expressly agrees to their validity.
2 Offers and service descriptions
2.1 The presentation of the products in the online store does not constitute a legally binding offer, but an invitation to place an order. Service descriptions in catalogs and on the seller's websites do not have the character of an assurance or guarantee.
2.2 All offers are valid "while stocks last", unless otherwise stated with the products. Errors excepted.
3 Order process and conclusion of contract
3.1 The customer can select products from the seller's range without obligation and collect them in a so-called shopping cart using the [Add to cart] button. The customer can then proceed to complete the order process within the shopping cart by clicking the [Continue to checkout] button.
3.2 By clicking the [Buy] button, the customer submits a binding request to purchase the goods in the shopping cart. Before submitting the order, the customer can change and view the data at any time. Required information is marked with an asterisk (*).
3.3 The seller then sends the customer an automatic confirmation of receipt by e-mail, in which the customer's order is listed again and which the customer can print out using the "Print" function (order confirmation). The automatic confirmation of receipt merely documents that the customer's order has been received by the seller and does not constitute acceptance of the application. The purchase contract is only concluded when the seller has dispatched or handed over the ordered product to the customer within 2 days or has confirmed the dispatch to the customer within 2 days with a second e-mail, express order confirmation or sending of the invoice.
3.4 If the seller allows payment in advance, the contract is concluded when the bank details and payment request are provided. If the payment has not been received by the seller within 10 calendar days of the order confirmation being sent, despite the due date, even after a further request, the seller shall withdraw from the contract with the result that the order shall lapse and the seller shall have no obligation to deliver. The order is then completed for the buyer and seller without any further consequences. A reservation of the item for advance payments is therefore made for a maximum of 10 calendar days.
4. Prices and shipping costs
4.1 All prices stated on the seller's website include the applicable statutory value added tax.
4.2 In addition to the prices quoted, the Seller shall charge shipping costs for delivery. The shipping costs are clearly communicated to the buyer on a separate information page and during the ordering process.
5. Delivery, availability of goods
5.1 If advance payment has been agreed, delivery shall be made after receipt of the invoice amount.
5.2 If not all ordered products are in stock, the seller is entitled to make partial deliveries at his own expense, insofar as this is reasonable for the customer.
5.3 Should the delivery of the goods fail through the fault of the Buyer despite three delivery attempts, the Seller may withdraw from the contract. Any payments made will be refunded to the customer immediately.
5.4 If the ordered product is not available because the Seller is not supplied with this product by its supplier through no fault of its own, the Seller may withdraw from the contract. In this case, the seller will inform the customer immediately and, if necessary, suggest the delivery of a comparable product.If no comparable product is available or the customer does not wish a comparable product to be delivered, the seller will immediately reimburse the customer for any payments already made.
5.5 Customers will be informed about delivery times and delivery restrictions (e.g. restriction of deliveries to certain countries) on a separate information page or within the respective product description.
6. Payment modalities
6.1 The customer can choose from the available payment methods during and before completion of the order process. Customers are informed about the available means of payment on a separate information page.
6.2 If payment by invoice is possible, payment must be made within 30 days of receipt of the goods and the invoice. For all other payment methods, payment must be made in advance without deduction.
6.3 If third-party providers are commissioned with payment processing, e.g. Paypal, their general terms and conditions apply.
6.4 If the due date for payment is determined by the calendar, the customer shall be in default by missing the deadline.In this case, the customer must pay the statutory default interest.
6.5 The customer's obligation to pay default interest does not exclude the seller from claiming further damages caused by default.
6.6 The customer shall only have a right of set-off if his counterclaims have been legally established or recognized by the seller. The customer may only exercise a right of retention if the claims result from the same contractual relationship.
7. Retention of title
The delivered goods remain the property of the seller until full payment has been made.
8. Warranty for material defects and guarantee
8.1 The warranty shall be governed by statutory provisions.
8.2 The goods delivered by the seller are only covered by a guarantee if this has been expressly given. Customers will be informed of the warranty conditions before initiating the order process.
9. Liability
9.1 The following exclusions and limitations of liability shall apply to the Seller's liability for damages, notwithstanding the other statutory requirements for claims.
9.2 The Seller shall be liable without limitation insofar as the cause of the damage is based on intent or gross negligence.
9.3 Furthermore, the Seller shall be liable for the slightly negligent breach of material obligations, the breach of which jeopardizes the achievement of the purpose of the contract, or for the breach of obligations, the fulfilment of which is essential for the proper performance of the contract and on the observance of which the Customer regularly relies. In this case, however, the seller shall only be liable for foreseeable damage typical of the contract. The Seller shall not be liable for the slightly negligent breach of obligations other than those mentioned in the preceding sentences.
9.4 The above limitations of liability shall not apply in the event of injury to life, limb or health, for a defect following the assumption of a guarantee for the quality of the product and in the event of fraudulently concealed defects. Liability under the Product Liability Act remains unaffected. 9.5 Insofar as the liability of the seller is excluded or limited, this also applies to the personal liability of employees, representatives and vicarious agents.
10. storage of the contract text
10.1 The customer can print out the text of the contract before submitting the order to the seller by using the print function of his browser in the last step of the order.
10.2 The seller shall also send the customer an order confirmation with all order data to the e-mail address provided by the customer. With the order confirmation, the customer also receives a copy of the general terms and conditions together with the cancellation policy and the information on shipping costs as well as delivery and payment conditions. If you have registered in our store, you can view the orders you have placed in your profile area. In addition, we store the text of the contract, but do not make it accessible on the Internet.
11 Data protection
11.1 The seller processes the customer's personal data for a specific purpose and in accordance with the statutory provisions.
11.2 The personal data provided for the purpose of ordering goods (such as name, e-mail address, address, payment data) are used by the seller to fulfill and process the contract. This data is treated confidentially and is not passed on to third parties who are not involved in the ordering, delivery and payment process.
11.3 The customer has the right, upon request and free of charge, to receive information about the personal data stored about him by the seller. In addition, he has the right to correct incorrect data, block and delete his personal data, provided that there is no legal obligation to retain such data.
11.4 Further information on the type, scope, location and purpose of the collection, processing and use of the required personal data by the seller can be found in the privacy policy.
12. Place of jurisdiction, applicable law, contract language
12.1 The place of jurisdiction and place of performance is the registered office of the seller if the customer is a merchant, a legal entity under public law or a special fund under public law.
12.2 The contractual language is German.